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Radon Facts


Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that comes from the breakdown of uranium

which is found in the soil and rock throughout the United States. Radon decays into

radioactive particles that can become trapped in your lungs when you breathe. As these

particles decay, they release small bursts of radiation that damage lung tissue which

can potentially lead to lung cancer. The U.S. Surgeon General has warned that radon is the

second leading cause of lung cancer in the country. The U.S. Environmental Protection

Agency have established a minimum recommended action level for mitigation of 4.0

picocuries of radon gas elements per liter of air in a residence, commercial building or school.


  • Radon is an odorless, colorless and tasteless gas. The only way to know if your home has elevated radon levels is to TEST.

  • Radon travels through the soil and enters buildings through openings and foundation. Radon enters your home from the soil because it is being drawn by the negative pressures or vacuums within your home.

  • The vacuum in your home is caused either by mechanical systems or by a thermal stack effect.

  • All types of homes can have elevated radon levels.

  • Homes with basements, crawl spaces, slab on grade or any combination can all have elevated radon levels.

  • A new home can have a radon problem as well as an older home.

  • Your neighbor’s radon levels do not necessarily represent your home’s radon levels. Different factors contribute to the radon levels in a home.

  • The amount of radon in the soil beneath the home, interior negative pressures and the openings in the home’s foundation are all contributing factors.

  • The EPA recommendation is to reduce radon levels in your home to below 4.0 picocuries per liter of air (pCi/L).

       For more information concerning radon call Peak Radon Mitigation

Peak Radon Mitigation 414.215.0710

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